WordPress-Plugin-Developer hergehört
Drüben bei WP.org gibt’s einen Gast-Beitrag von Technosailor Aaron Brazell, der ein klein bisserl outlined, was sich in WordPress 2.1 ändert. Vor allem geht er darauf ein was ihr (Plugin-Entwickler) ggf. ändern müsst, damit Eure (achtung schlechter Übersetzungswitz) Einstöpsler auch weiterhin funktionieren.
* The $table* variables have all been eliminated. They have not been deprecated as doing so would mean that the variables are still present but developers are no longer encouraged to use them. In this case, they have been removed from the core. When you’re developing plugins that contain SQL statements, ensure you globalize $wpdb, and call tables using $wpdb->posts, $wpdb->post2cat, etc. Likewise, the former $table_prefix variable that developers could globalize before to find the MySQL table prefix defined in wp-config.php has also been deprecated in favor of $wpdb->prefix.
* Developers using the former linkcategories table should be aware that link categories are now part of categories. They are simply given another category ID and are not maintained separate from post categories.
* The posts table now has a column of post_type that should help developers distinguish between posts and pages.
* Future posts now gain the post_status of ‘future’ which eliminates the use of NOW() in all queries in the core. Plugin developers should follow suit.
Also ran an den Speck ;)
Für alle nicht-Entwickler: Zum Thema Plugin-Kompatibilität gibt’s hier im Codex schon mal eine Kompatibilitätsliste (derzeit für die 2.1 alpha3)
You misunderstand. It is ELIMINATED, not dprecated. Using $table_prefix will break your 2.1 blog! :-)
oops, wrong post. ;)